The documentary film “Kiyomizu – Cycle of Blessings” uses a large collection of videos captured by photographers for over a decade.
Please see the project page for more details.

ドキュメンタリー映像「Kiyomizu – Cycle of Blessings」を公開いたしました。
約20分間の映像には、およそ10年間に渡りアーカイブしてきた映像素材と撮り下ろした風景などに加え、貫主・森 清範、学芸員・坂井 輝久、執事・大西 英玄の3名のインタビューを収録いたしました。

On July 21, 2024.
On a full moon night. On the stage of the Kiyomizu-dera Temple’s Main Hall, legendary musician Terry Riley performed a one-night-only concert with around 40 musicians to celebrate the 60th anniversary of his landmark composition In C.
Please see the project page for more details.

本堂を舞台に、音楽家・テリー・ライリーによるIn Cの生誕60周年を祝う、総勢40名の演奏家との一夜限りのコンサートが開かれました。

An archive video of the photo exhibition “TIME” by Kensaku Kakimoto, a filmmaker and photographer, is now on public.
Please see the project page for more details.



[会期] 2022年6月25日(土)13:00〜7月10日(日)
[開場時間] 10:00~17:30(6月30日まで / 7月1日以降は18:00まで) ※6月25日(土)のみ13:00〜17:30
[展示会場] 西門、経堂、成就院
[観覧料] 無料 ※成就院のみ特別拝観料が別途必要(大人600円、小・中学生300円)
[協賛] 株式会社マツシマホールディングス、LUMIX、株式会社アマナ(FLAT LABO)
[協力] 一般社団法人オンザヒル、Phase One Japan、daikanyama digital imaging
*関連展示:同時期にnode hotel(京都市中京区蟷螂山町461)内にて柿本ケンサク氏の過去作品を展示しています。


All archives of the silk road project in 2020 are now available.
Please see the project page for more details.

2020年に行ったsilk road プロジェクトのすべてのアーカイブを公開いたしました。

Takuro Kuwata exhibition “Day After Day” was held from August 3 to August 25 in 2019. “To create is to be driven by the reality that we are living in today, by its encounters and partings, and sometimes by instinctive impulse. Such is an act act of giving form to the process of feeling emotions.”


TAKURO KUWATA exhibition “Day After Day” 8.3-8.25, 2019

This year’s exhibition will present the work of Takuro Kuwata. By engaging with the centuries-old traditions of Japanese ceramics, Kuwata creates innovative works that have attracted attention worldwide. Entering into nuanced dialogue with these traditions through his contemporary sensibility, his work brings renewed vibrancy to ceramic aesthetics. In turn, the scale of his production has continued to grow over the years. “To create is to be driven by the reality that we are living in today, by its encounters and partings, and sometimes by instinctive impulse. The act of giving form to the process of feeling emotions.” These words spoken by Kuwata resonate with the “form of prayer” that the FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA project explores. In the midst of the ancient history of such places of art creation as Kiyomizu-dera Temple’s Jojuin and Kyodo Hall, it is a precious opportunity to encounter new moments and possibilities.

Dates: August 3 – August 25, 2019
Hours: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Venue: Kyodo Hall & Jojuin, Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera Temple
    1-294, Kiyomizu, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 605-0862, Japan
Admission fee: free
*To enter the Jojuin, a charge is required 
(Adult: 600 yen / Elementary and junior high school students: 300 yen)
Organized by FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA project team (Kiyomizu-dera Temple)
In Cooperation with KOSAKU KANECHIKA, Flair Art Association
Exhibition designed by KIAS Ishida Architects Studio

> Takuro Kuwata exhibition “Day After Day”


FEEL KIYOMIZUDERAプロジェクトとして展示会を開催する運びとなり、このご縁に感謝するとともに、皆様にとって作品との出会いが新たな気づきを得る機会となることを願っております。

– 開催概要
会場  :経堂・成就院
観覧料 :無料
※成就院は特別拝観料が必要です(通常非公開・大人 600円/小・中学生 300円)
主催:音羽山清水寺「FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA」プロジェクトチーム 
協力:KOSAKU KANECHIKA、Flair Art Association 

Interviews with haruka nakamura and Eigen Onishi are added.
Archived content to date is available on the project page.

haruka nakamuraさんと清水寺 執事補・大西英玄のインタビューを追加しました。

FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA website opened

This project has continued to reflect on the true value of the temple and forge bonds between us and people living together in the same age. Being aware of our relevant role in the present day, we at Kiyomizu-dera Temple have been devoted to exploring the future possibilities of the temple.
Through a wide range of media, we have been working on sharing our novel insights. From now on, we are committed to seeking for a new form of Kiyomizu as well as pursuing some experimental expression even in the face of any barriers. We believe conveying our new perspective and interpretation through this project is also a part of our responsibility.
We would be grateful if our commitment could brighten the future prospects of all the people who live here and now.

Respectfully yours,


FEEL KIYOMIZUDERAは、清水寺の本質を見つめ直し、同じ時を生きる人々と共にご縁を育んできたプロジェクトです。


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