The FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA project presents
a new perspective and a fresh interpretation
of prayer through a variety of experimental
expressions beyond convention.
22 February 2025
3 Feb. 2025
The documentary film “Kiyomizu – Cycle of Blessings”
2013 - 2023 Kiyomizu-dera Temple
ドキュメンタリー映像「Kiyomizu - Cycle of Blessings」は、
貫主・森 清範、学芸員・坂井 輝久、執事・大西 英玄の3名のインタビューを収録いたしました。
映像中の音楽を担当したのは、京都を拠点に国内外で活躍されている音楽家・原 摩利彦氏。
そして尺八の演奏は工藤 煉山氏が担当しています。
「FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA」に取り組んでまいりました。
小さくとも、今を、未来を生きる “希望”を感じていただけましたら幸いです。
We at Kiyomizu-dera Temple have continued to pray for people’s comfort and enduring world peace, believing that our role is to serve as a steadfast anchor for those living in this moment.
The documentary film “Kiyomizu - Cycle of Blessings,” uses a large collection of videos captured by photographers for over a decade. We asked ourselves again about what Buddhism and our temple can do to stand by those who are living today. This time, we’ve reached the conclusion that crafting a film would be an effective way of expressing our thoughts.
This 20-minute film features commentaries from three Kiyomizu figures: Chief Priest Seihan Mori, Curator Teruhisa Sakai, and High Priest Eigen Onishi, as well as a collection of archival footage and scenes specially filmed for this documentary work. The soundtrack of this film was composed by Marihiko Hara, a Kyoto-based musician who works internationally. For the music, Lenzan Kudo plays the shakuhachi, a Japanese vertical bamboo flute.
Since 2012, we at Kiyomizu-dera Temple have continued to work on FEEL KIYOMIZUDERA, a project that captures the ever-changing moments of Kiyomizu through photography and video. As part of this project, photographers have recorded and archived countless aspects of the temple, including its seasonal beauty, rituals and events, and the daily landscape. We have continuously carried on this project for more than a decade to give the audience a moment of peace irrespective of national borders and language barriers, hoping to provide a good opportunity to experience the world of Buddhism. And we will continue to explore how Buddhism and the temple should be in this uncertain age.
We would be glad if those watching this film feel a connection with Kiyomizu-dera Temple, and feel some hope, if small, about living in the present and into the future.
Two screenings were held at Kyodo-Hall on a screen from January 19 to February 4, 2024 and October 18 to November 18, 2024.
The Blu-ray disc of this documentary film, along with 12 postcards, are available within the temple grounds.